PrepareDE - Disaster Preparedness
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DENS Winter
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Make a Plan - checklist icon

Make a Plan

Learn what goes into your plan

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Find out how to make an emergency preparedness plan

Build a Kit - backpack icon

Build a Kit

Learn how to build your kit

Arrow - Go to Build a KitArrow - Go to Build a Kit
Find out how to build an emergency preparedness kit

Stay Informed - bullhorn icon

Stay Informed

Connect with tools to keep you up to date

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Find out how to connect with emergency preparedness tools to keep you up to date

Be Ready for Any Disaster

Disasters often happen without advanced notice. Readiness protects you, the possessions you value and the people you love. Learn step by step how to prepare for when disaster strikes, and access resources and tools that can save your life.

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training

Register for the free education course on preparedness for hazards that may impact your area and training on basic disaster response skills to help yourself, your family and your neighbors.

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D-100 Intro to WebEOC

December 5 | 1:00 PM

D-100 Introduction to WebEOC Incident Management System  Date & Time…

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S-101 Intro to the State EOC

December 5 | 8:30 AM

S-101 (EOC-101) Introduction to the State Emergency Operations Center  Date…

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